Our grapes are from 35 year old vines located in the heart of the Pyrenees region of North Western Victoria. Shaping up to be an absolute cracker of a season with good fruit set, mild weather conditions and the absence of disease pressure. A longer ripening period expected this year. Fruit is surplus to our needs. You're welcome to visit and assess for yourself.
For sale preferably in bin (half tonne) lots. We hand pick the fruit for you or organise your own pickers.
Variety Price/tonne* Tonnes Approx picking date
Viognier $2,900 5 tonne 31st March
Shiraz $3,700 5 tonne 31st March
Cabernet $3,900 2 tonne 14th April
Merlot $3,900 2 tonne 10th March
* Price for hand picked fruit. A $200 surcharge applies on purchases of less than 0.5 tonne. Payment terms 7 days. Price is negotiable on purchases over 3 tonnes.
Note the Pyrenees is located in a Phyloxera Exclusion Zone.
If you are intending on providing your own bins or grape storage vessels we require them to be clean and sanitised prior to entry. We reserve the right to reject bins/vessels supplied by customers.
If your bins are coming from a Phyloxera Infested Zone or Phylozera Risk Zone (see https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/biosecurity/protecting-victoria/victorian-viticulture-biosecurity/compliance-movement-conditions/phylloxera-management-zones for listings) we will require you to produce a plant biosecurity permit which allows you to move your bin(s) into and out of declared areas. Permits can be obtained from the Dept of Agriculture here: (https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/biosecurity/moving-plants-and-plant-products/plant-biosecurity-permit).