AUCTION - Stainless Steel Wine Tank Dispersal


Online since 2008, Wine Industry Classifieds has firmly established itself as the digital classified advertising hub of the Australian wine industry

  • Online, immediate and inexpensive - start selling now!
  • Free registration
  • Sell your NEW and USED items FAST
  • Targeted advertising to the Australian wine industry
  • 24/7/365 service - Don't wait around for the monthly mags!
  • Fully accountable - with digital advertising, you really will know which 50% of your advertising worked.


  • Buy a Single Ad, or a Multi-Pack - the more you buy, the cheaper they get!
  • Options to suit all budgets
  • Refer to our Pricing Schedule in the top menu


  • Weekly Email - All new Ads get included in our Weekly Top 10 Ads email that goes out to over 9500+ registered subscribers including 2500+ wineries, winemakers, and vineyard managers within Australia each week
  • Social Media - Your Ad can be fed to Wine Industry Classifieds social media profiles on Twitter & Facebook
  • Search Engine Optimisation - Top in all three main search engine keyword searches eg: Google, Bing, Yahoo
  • Instant Notification - All registered subscribers can opt-in to immediate notifications when a new Ad is posted that matches their criteria.
  • Traditional Avenues - Trade Shows, brochures, email, magazines, website links, Association Affiliations etc.

Don’t just take our word for it though, read what others have had to say about their experiences in the


With all of these reasons, doesn't it make sense to make Wine Industry Classifieds your primary online advertising resource?

Register and post your first Ad today! 

NOTE: If you cant see a category that fits your Ad, please let us know and we will create one specifically.